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So far carmahealth has created 33 blog entries.

Understanding Meth Addiction: A Growing Threat


Understanding Meth Addiction: A Growing Threat Rampant and escalating fatality has steered the American addiction conversation toward opioids and kept it there; a completely understandable inclination given the universal and indiscriminate nature of opioid use disorder. Prescription drugs, heroin and fentanyl threaten every age group, class and cultural background, [...]

Understanding Meth Addiction: A Growing Threat2024-07-02T02:06:25-05:00

Vivitrol for Alcohol Use Disorder


Vivitrol for Alcohol Use Disorder As CARMAhealth continues to observe Alcohol Awareness Month, we wanted to take the opportunity to touch not only on the causes, sustaining factors and impact of alcohol addiction, but also the pathways to treatment of which sufferers can avail themselves to get help and [...]

Vivitrol for Alcohol Use Disorder2024-07-02T02:06:12-05:00

CARMAhealth Observes Alcohol Awareness Month


CARMAhealth Observes Alcohol Awareness Month April 1st marked the beginning of this year’s Alcohol Awareness Month, a 30-day effort founded and sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) to raise awareness toward alcoholism in the United States and reduce the stigma that prevents so many [...]

CARMAhealth Observes Alcohol Awareness Month2024-07-02T02:05:28-05:00

The Importance of Seamless Medical Care in Addiction Recovery


The Importance of Seamless Medical Care in Addiction Recovery CARMAhealth Doctors Powell and Tirado Discuss the Importance of Medical Care in Addiction Recovery with Texas Medicine Magazine In a piece published in this month’s Texas Medicine Magazine, CARMAhealth’s Medical Director Dr. Steven Powell and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Carlos [...]

The Importance of Seamless Medical Care in Addiction Recovery2024-07-02T02:05:20-05:00

Understanding the Benefits of Opioid Substitution


Understanding the Benefits of Opioid Substitution For Some Opioid Users, Opioid Substitution is Not An Act of Faith, It’s An Act of Courage In our practice, we always try to meet the patient where they’re at: this is not a tired cliché for us…we really do. We have the [...]

Understanding the Benefits of Opioid Substitution2024-07-02T02:05:09-05:00

Addiction Treatment and Connections at National Conference


Addiction Treatment and Connections at National Conference CARMAhealth Connects with Drug Czar Jim Carroll at National Conference Representatives from CARMAHealth and our partner organization Recovery Unplugged had the honor of attending this year’s National Cocaine, Meth and Stimulant Conference. The conference was a three-day event that took place from [...]

Addiction Treatment and Connections at National Conference2024-07-02T02:04:59-05:00

Understanding the Challenges of Heroin Addiction


Understanding the Challenges of Heroin Addiction Doc… I’m Way Smarter Than You I want to share an encounter I recently had with a patient, a guy who has been struggling with heroin addiction for well over 20 years. He’s had years of success with abstinence, buprenorphine and methadone. Each [...]

Understanding the Challenges of Heroin Addiction2024-07-02T02:04:52-05:00

The Growing Opioid Epidemic: Preventing Overdose


The Growing Opioid Epidemic: Preventing Overdose Preventing Opioid Overdose When the U.S. Surgeon General published a recent health advisory – the first such alert in the last decade – asking for the public’s assistance in tackling the nation’s growing opioid epidemic, Dr. Scott Walters from the UNTHSC School of [...]

The Growing Opioid Epidemic: Preventing Overdose2024-07-02T02:04:41-05:00

How Text Reminders Enhance Treatment Program Attendance


How Text Reminders Enhance Treatment Program Attendance Enhance Treatment Program Attendance Texting has become a preferred means of communication for people all over the world. A text can help quickly and concisely convey important information, keep personal conversations private and remind us about the important things in our lives [...]

How Text Reminders Enhance Treatment Program Attendance2024-07-02T02:04:30-05:00

Examining the Dangers of Over-Prescribing Opioids


Examining the Dangers of Over-Prescribing Opioids Earlier this month, Manhattan Dr. Martin Tesher was convicted by a Brooklyn grand jury on 10 counts of unlawful distribution of oxycodone without legitimate medical purpose. Over the course of five years, the 82-year-old Tesher wrote over 14,000 oxycodone scripts which totaled over [...]

Examining the Dangers of Over-Prescribing Opioids2024-07-02T02:04:22-05:00
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