Introduction to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

What is TMS Therapy?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy is a groundbreaking, non-invasive treatment modality that employs magnetic fields to activate nerve cells in the brain, offering hope for patients who have not responded to conventional treatments. This technology is particularly beneficial for those with depression, along with other mental health conditions such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Distinct from other brain stimulation therapies like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), TMS does not require anesthesia, nor does it provoke seizures. By focusing on precise brain regions associated with mood regulation, TMS facilitates a targeted, individualized treatment protocol. At CARMAhealth, we have witnessed TMS Therapy catalyze profound changes for our patients, assuaging symptoms and substantially enhancing their quality of life. Moreover, TMS stands out from other therapies in its minimal side effects, making it a viable option for those seeking alternatives to medication or more invasive interventions.

Brief History of TMS

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy has a rich history that spirals back to its beginnings in 1985 when Anthony Barker and his colleagues in Sheffield, UK, first successfully demonstrated its use in humans. Over time, key developments have included the refinement of the TMS coils, the introduction of repetitive TMS (rTMS), and advances in the precision of targeting specific brain regions. The technique gained FDA approval in 2008 for the treatment of major depressive disorder, marking a significant milestone in its clinical adoption. Since then, ongoing research has explored its application in various psychiatric and neurological conditions, demonstrating TMS’s evolving potential in the medical field. Leveraging these advancements, CARMAhealth offers comprehensive TMS therapy services, continuously integrating the latest research to improve patient outcomes.

Who Can Benefit from TMS Therapy?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy offers hope for individuals struggling with mental health conditions that have proven resistant to conventional treatments. Those with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, who haven’t seen improvement with medication and psychotherapy, may find TMS to be a pivotal part of their journey toward wellness.

Moreover, TMS Therapy is especially valuable for individuals seeking an alternative to pharmacotherapy due to intolerable side effects or contraindications. Incorporating TMS into a comprehensive treatment strategy can enhance outcomes, as it works synergistically with other interventions such as psychotherapy and lifestyle modifications.

At CARMAhealth, our multidisciplinary approach ensures that TMS Therapy is nested within a bespoke treatment plan, reflective of each patient’s distinct health narrative and envisioned recovery path.

Common Misconceptions about TMS Therapy

As with any medical treatment, there are numerous misconceptions about TMS Therapy. Some people may be concerned about the safety of TMS, given that it involves the use of magnetic fields. However, TMS is a non-invasive procedure that has been extensively studied and found to be safe and well-tolerated. Side effects are generally mild and often decrease over time. Common side effects may include headache or discomfort at the treatment site during or after treatment. Serious side effects, such as seizures, mania (if you have bipolar disorder), or hearing loss if ear protection is not used during treatment are rare. Another misconception is that TMS requires anesthesia. This is not the case. TMS is performed in an outpatient setting under the supervision of a healthcare professional, and patients remain awake and alert during the treatment. At CARMAhealth, we’re committed to educating our patients about all aspects of their treatment, including TMS, so they can make informed decisions about their care.

How Does TMS Therapy Work?

The Science Behind TMS Therapy

The science behind TMS Therapy is truly fascinating. TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, works by generating a magnetic field that passes unimpeded through the skull and into the brain. Once there, it induces a small electrical current that stimulates nerve cells in the targeted area of the brain. This stimulation can help reset the neural networks associated with mood regulation, which may be functioning abnormally in conditions such as depression.

A detailed explanation of how these magnetic fields influence nerve cells reveals that TMS targets specific brain regions known to be underactive in depression. The magnetic pulses stimulate these regions, prompting an increase in neuronal activity, which can alleviate symptoms. Over time, repeated sessions may help sustain these beneficial changes.

Furthermore, neuroplasticity plays a critical role in TMS therapy. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s innate ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, either in response to new learning and experiences or as a means of recovery following injury. By promoting neuroplasticity, TMS facilitates the brain’s own healing processes, encouraging the formation of healthier neural pathways. This can result in improved mood and cognitive function.

At CARMAhealth, our TMS providers are highly trained in the science of TMS and leverage their expertise to customize treatment to the unique needs of each patient. By understanding each individual’s specific challenges, our providers employ TMS strategically to support and optimize mental health recovery.

Stages of TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy involves several stages, beginning with an initial mapping session. During this session, our trained TMS providers use the TMS machine to identify the specific area of the brain that will be targeted during treatment. This is a crucial step in ensuring the effectiveness of the therapy. Once the mapping is complete, the actual treatment sessions can begin. These sessions typically last about 20-30 minutes and are usually administered five days a week over a six-week period. However, the exact duration and frequency of sessions can vary depending on the individual’s specific needs and response to treatment. Throughout the course of TMS Therapy, our team at CARMAhealth continuously monitors the patient’s progress and adjusts the treatment plan as needed.

The Role of Magnetic Fields in TMS Therapy

Magnetic fields play a critical role in TMS Therapy. The TMS machine generates a magnetic field that is about the same strength as that of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. This magnetic field is able to pass through the skull and into the brain without causing any physical discomfort. Once in the brain, the magnetic field induces a small electrical current that stimulates nerve cells in the targeted area. Some people may be concerned about the safety of repeated exposure to magnetic fields, but numerous studies have shown that TMS is safe and well-tolerated. In fact, TMS has been used in research and clinical settings for over 30 years, providing a wealth of evidence supporting its safety and effectiveness.

How TMS Therapy Influences the Brain

TMS Therapy, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, has a profound impact on neural activity and brain chemistry. By delivering repetitive magnetic pulses to specific regions of the brain, it induces an electrical current that can help to activate or boost underperforming nerve cells. These regions are often associated with mood regulation and emotional control, making TMS a potent intervention for mood disorders like depression.

The brain’s plasticity, which is its ability to change and adapt, is a key factor in how TMS exerts its effects. Over time, TMS can encourage long-term changes in the brain’s neural pathways, supporting more stable and positive patterns of thought and mood regulation. In terms of brain chemistry, the process is thought to influence the balance and release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These chemicals play a significant role in mood regulation, and by restoring their equilibrium, TMS can have a stabilizing effect.

The precision of TMS allows for targeted treatment, focusing on the areas of the brain most in need of intervention without the systemic side effects of medication. For those who have not responded well to traditional treatments, TMS offers a promising alternative by addressing the neurological underpinnings of their condition.

At CARMAhealth, our goal is to deliver comprehensive care that addresses the unique needs of each patient. By incorporating cutting-edge treatments like TMS, we’re providing another avenue for healing and empowering our patients on their path to recovery.

The Process of TMS Therapy

Initial Consultation and Assessment

The first step in the TMS Therapy process at CARMAhealth is an initial consultation and assessment. During this appointment, our experienced healthcare providers conduct a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation to gain a thorough understanding of the patient’s mental health history, current symptoms, and previous treatment responses. This information is crucial in determining whether TMS Therapy is an appropriate treatment option. If TMS is deemed suitable, we then work closely with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and health goals. We believe that every individual is unique, and our treatment plans reflect this belief, providing a customized approach to care that respects the individuality of each patient.

TMS Therapy Sessions

Once a treatment plan has been established, TMS Therapy sessions can begin. During a session, the patient sits in a comfortable chair while a small magnetic coil is placed on their head. The TMS machine then generates a magnetic field, which induces a small electrical current in the targeted area of the brain. The procedure is painless, and the patient remains awake and alert throughout. Each session typically lasts about 20-30 minutes, and most patients have sessions five days a week. Regular attendance is crucial to maximize the benefits of TMS Therapy, as the therapeutic effects of TMS are cumulative, building over time. At CARMAhealth, we work with our patients to schedule sessions at times that are convenient for them, and we offer ongoing support and encouragement to help our patients stay committed to their treatment plan.

Post-Therapy Evaluation

At CARMAhealth, we are committed to ensuring that each patient receives personalized attention throughout their TMS Therapy journey. While the treatment is ongoing, we diligently track the patient’s responses, making necessary adjustments to optimize their path to recovery. After completing an initial course of TMS Therapy, our patients undergo a thorough post-therapy evaluation. This critical step helps us to measure the effectiveness of the treatment and to consider the benefits of maintenance TMS sessions for sustaining the patient’s progress. It is our dedicated mission to support each patient in preserving the advancements made in treatment and to reinforce their continued progress toward mental wellness.

Continuous Monitoring and Follow-up

Continuous monitoring and follow-up are essential components of the TMS Therapy process at CARMAhealth. Our team maintains ongoing communication with each patient throughout their treatment journey, providing support, answering questions, and addressing any concerns that may arise. After the completion of TMS Therapy, we continue to stay in touch with our patients, providing follow-up care and ensuring that they are maintaining their mental health gains. Whether it’s scheduling maintenance TMS sessions, adjusting medication regimens, or providing resources for ongoing mental health support, our team is committed to standing by our patients every step of the way.

Advantages of TMS Therapy

Non-Invasive Nature of TMS Therapy

One of the key advantages of TMS Therapy at CARMAhealth is its non-invasive nature. Unlike other treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or deep brain stimulation (DBS), TMS does not require surgery or implantation of electrodes. Nor does it require sedation or the use of anesthesia. Patients remain awake and alert during treatment, and there is no recovery period, allowing patients to return to their normal activities immediately after each session. The non-invasive nature of TMS makes it a safer option for many patients, particularly those who are unable or unwilling to undergo more invasive procedures. It also means that TMS has fewer side effects than many other treatments, further enhancing its appeal to many of our patients.

Effectiveness of TMS Therapy

Another major advantage of TMS Therapy is its effectiveness. Numerous clinical trials and meta-analyses have demonstrated the efficacy of TMS in treating a variety of mental health disorders, particularly major depressive disorder. Many of our patients at CARMAhealth have experienced significant improvements in their symptoms after undergoing TMS Therapy, even those who have not responded to other treatments. In fact, TMS is often recommended for individuals with treatment-resistant depression, providing hope for those who have struggled to find relief from their symptoms. While the exact success rate can vary depending on the individual and the specifics of their condition, TMS has been shown to have a significant positive impact on the lives of many of our patients.

Minimal Side Effects

TMS Therapy, as offered by CARMAhealth, is recognized for its minimal side effects, a significant advantage that enhances patient comfort and treatment adherence. For most individuals, the side effects are typically limited to head pain or discomfort at the treatment site, both of which are usually temporary and diminish as the therapy sessions continue. Importantly, these common side effects are mild and subside shortly after treatment. Compared to other psychiatric or addiction treatments, such as certain medications that can lead to more systemic side effects like weight gain, sexual dysfunction, or gastrointestinal issues, TMS holds a favorable profile. Its non-systemic nature prevents the entire body from exposure to the treatment’s effects, thereby reducing the risk of widespread side effects. CARMAhealth prioritizes patient well-being, which includes closely tracking any side effects and optimizing treatment protocols for the safest and most comfortable patient experience.

Improved Quality of Life

Perhaps the most significant advantage of TMS Therapy is the potential for improved quality of life. Many of our patients at CARMAhealth report significant improvements in their daily functioning and overall well-being after undergoing TMS Therapy. They’re able to enjoy activities they once loved, engage more fully in relationships, and experience an overall improvement in their mood and outlook on life. These improvements can be life-changing, particularly for individuals who have struggled with chronic, treatment-resistant mental health disorders. We’re proud to share numerous patient testimonials that highlight these improvements and the profound impact that TMS Therapy can have on quality of life.

Challenges and Limitations of TMS Therapy

Patient Eligibility for TMS Therapy

While TMS Therapy can be a beneficial treatment for many individuals, it’s not suitable for everyone. Patient eligibility for TMS is determined based on a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, as well as a review of the patient’s medical history and previous treatment responses. Certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy or a history of seizures, may preclude a patient from undergoing TMS. In addition, TMS is not recommended for individuals with non-removable metal in or near the head (excluding braces or dental fillings). We thoroughly assess each patient’s suitability for TMS and discuss all available treatment options to ensure the best possible care.

Time Commitment for TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy requires a significant investment of time from our patients. The standard course of TMS treatment prescribed by CARMAhealth is a protocol of sessions conducted five days a week, over the span of six weeks, with each session typically lasting about 20 to 30 minutes. This structured schedule is crafted to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes. We recognize the challenge this commitment may pose, especially for those balancing employment, education, or other daily commitments. In response, we offer flexible scheduling options to harmonize our services with the unique needs of our patients. Furthermore, we underscore the importance of consistent attendance to the success of TMS Therapy, and actively provide support as well as encouragement to help our patients adhere to and thrive in their prescribed treatment regimen.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

TMS Therapy, while demonstrating efficacy in managing certain psychiatric conditions, also comes with an inherent set of potential side effects and risks. These side effects tend to be transient and mild, with the most commonly reported being headaches and discomfort at the site of treatment. While such reactions can cause some inconvenience, they generally diminish over the course of the therapy.

A notable advantage of TMS Therapy is its safety profile compared to other psychiatric treatments. For instance, the side effects are often less intense and have fewer systemic implications than those commonly associated with pharmacotherapy. In rare instances, serious side effects like seizures or the triggering of manic episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder may occur, but such events are exceedingly uncommon.

Understanding that any medical intervention carries a level of risk, at CARMAhealth, we are committed to minimizing these risks through diligent patient monitoring and proactive management strategies. Our clinicians are trained to rapidly identify and address any adverse effects, ensuring patient comfort and safety. When weighing the risks of TMS against its benefits, it’s also crucial to consider the potential adverse effects of untreated psychiatric illness, which can be significant. By comparing the side effects of TMS to those of alternative treatments, patients and providers can make informed decisions that align with their medical needs and personal values.

Cost and Insurance Coverage Issues

Navigating the financial landscape of TMS Therapy doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The cost of TMS can indeed vary widely, as it is influenced by various factors such as the length and frequency of treatment sessions, the geographic region where treatment is received, and the individual patient’s condition. Beyond these variables, the compatibility of TMS with insurance plans is another pivotal factor. It’s reassuring to know that many insurance companies have begun to recognize the efficacy of TMS and, as a result, offer coverage for treatment. However, this coverage can differ markedly based on one’s individual plan and the nature of their diagnosis.

At CARMAhealth, we prioritize making TMS Therapy both accessible and manageable financially. By collaborating with numerous insurance providers and aiding patients in understanding and leveraging their insurance benefits, we aim to eliminate the financial hurdles that may stand in the way of effective treatment. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that TMS Therapy is attainable to those who stand to gain from its transformative potential.

TMS Therapy at CARMAhealth

Our Approach to TMS Therapy

At CARMAhealth, our approach to TMS Therapy is rooted in our commitment to personalized, patient-centered care. We believe that every individual is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to meet each patient’s specific needs and health goals. Our experienced team of healthcare providers works closely with each patient to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes TMS and other appropriate therapies. We also provide ongoing support and education to help our patients understand their treatment and feel empowered in their recovery. Through this personalized approach, we aim to not only treat symptoms, but promote lasting recovery and improve overall quality of life.

Experienced TMS Therapy Providers

CARMAhealth’s TMS Therapy providers are highly trained and experienced in the field of neuromodulation. Our team consists of board-certified psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals who have undergone extensive training in the use of TMS. We’re committed to staying at the forefront of advancements in TMS technology and treatment practices, regularly participating in continuing education and training opportunities. This commitment to expertise and ongoing learning ensures that our patients receive the highest standard of care.

Patient Stories and Testimonials

We’re incredibly proud of the positive impact TMS Therapy has had on the lives of our patients at CARMAhealth. We’ve witnessed countless success stories, with many patients experiencing significant improvements in their symptoms and overall well-being. These patient stories and testimonials serve as powerful reminders of the potential of TMS to change lives. Whether it’s a patient who has finally found relief from chronic depression after years of unsuccessful treatments, or someone who has regained the ability to enjoy life and engage in meaningful relationships, the positive outcomes we see with TMS Therapy are truly inspiring. We’re honored to be part of our patients’ recovery journeys and are committed to providing the best possible care.

Getting Started with TMS Therapy at CARMAhealth

Initiating TMS Therapy at CARMAhealth is designed to be seamless and supportive. The journey starts with a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation to understand the complexities of the patient’s mental health journey, including historical and current symptomatology as well as past treatment efficacy. When TMS is considered an appropriate intervention, the process continues with the collaborative development of a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet the patient’s specific needs and circumstances.

Our dedicated team offers enduring support and thoughtful guidance throughout the entire process, readily available to answer questions and alleviate concerns. This supportive approach ensures that our patients feel informed and comfortable as they commence their TMS Therapy sessions. CARMAhealth is committed to being a steadfast ally, not just at the onset but through the conclusion of your treatment and into the future.

To embark on your path to recovery with TMS Therapy at CARMAhealth, simply Schedule Your Appointment Today.

Frequently Asked Questions about TMS Therapy

Is TMS Therapy Painful?

A common question we hear at CARMAhealth is whether TMS Therapy is painful. The answer is no. During a TMS session, patients may feel a slight tapping sensation on the scalp where the magnetic coil is placed. However, this is generally not painful. Some patients may experience a mild headache or discomfort at the treatment site during or after the session, but these side effects are usually mild and tend to decrease over time. Patient comfort is a top priority for us at CARMAhealth, and our TMS providers are skilled at adjusting the treatment parameters to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible. If any discomfort is experienced, we encourage our patients to communicate this to us so that we can make any necessary adjustments.

How Long Does a TMS Therapy Session Last?

At CARMAhealth, a typical TMS Therapy session lasts about 20-30 minutes. However, the exact duration can vary depending on the specifics of the individual’s treatment plan. During the session, patients are seated comfortably and remain awake and alert. They can listen to music or simply relax during the treatment. There is no recovery period after the session, so patients can immediately return to their normal activities. We strive to make each TMS session as comfortable and stress-free as possible for our patients.

When Can I Expect to See Results from TMS Therapy?

The timeline for when you might start to see results from TMS Therapy differs from one individual to another. While some patients may notice a positive change in their mood or behavior within the initial weeks of therapy, others might see improvements more gradually. The effects of TMS Therapy are indeed cumulative; with each session, the potential for symptom relief increases. Various factors could influence the speed and extent of your response, including how severe your symptoms are, the particular condition being treated, and your body’s overall health and resilience. At CARMAhealth, the progress of each patient is meticulously tracked during their treatment course. We tailor the treatment strategies to person-specific needs, aiming to optimize treatment efficacy and patient well-being.

What Happens If I Miss a TMS Therapy Session?

Consistent attendance is crucial to the success of TMS Therapy, as the therapeutic effects of TMS are cumulative, building over time with each session. If a patient misses a session, it could potentially delay their progress. However, we understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes make it difficult to attend every session. If a patient needs to miss a session, we ask that they notify us as soon as possible so we can reschedule. Our team at CARMAhealth is committed to working with our patients to ensure they can fully benefit from TMS Therapy, and we provide ongoing support and flexibility to help our patients stay committed to their treatment plans.


In conclusion, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy is a non-invasive, effective treatment that offers hope to those with treatment-resistant mental health conditions. By utilizing magnetic fields to stimulate specific brain regions, TMS promotes neuroplasticity and improves mood regulation, with minimal side effects. At CARMAhealth, we provide personalized, comprehensive TMS services, continuously incorporating the latest research to enhance patient outcomes. Through our dedicated approach, many patients experience significant improvements in their quality of life, finding relief from symptoms and achieving lasting recovery.


This place was great for me my life has changed an I feel great now. Thanks Carma!
Joey Castillo
Dr. Powell is amazing, as well as the staff. I would highly recommend this place to anyone.
Kate Penshorn
Excellent mental health professionals in Austin!!! They truly care about their patients by offering first-class services!!
David B. Hutts


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Austin: 512-212-4670

Florida: 754-800-6301

CARMAhealth adopts a collaborative model of care that blends primary care medicine and behavioral health. We adopt a pragmatic, risk informed approach to care. Our goal is to create a medical home through the life span for our patients, their family and our community.

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